
As a family of churches we are committed to training all of God’s people for all of God’s work - in the church, in communities and in the world. We work together to offer 3 types of training to complement the work of discipleship in local churches:

  • Courses which we run from time-to-time (see below)

  • On-demand resources for individual or group use (see below)

  • Occasional training events (see events page)

School of the Spirit

Going deeper in relationship

A six-month course for followers of Jesus who want to go deeper in their knowledge and experience of the Holy Spirit.


Getting going in leadership

A short course offered annually, or as required in local churches, or groups of churches.

Prophetic training

Growing prophets to serve

Occasional events to complement ongoing mentoring of prophetic leaders in our churches.

Upper Room

Developing leadership

A 2-year programme supporting the growth of leaders who lead with faith, think biblically and relate graciously.

Pastoral training

Getting started in caring

A short video-based resource for individuals or groups to get started in peer-to-peer pastoral care.

Preachers training

Growing preachers to serve

Video-based resources to assist in the development and mentoring of preachers.