News, updates and blogs
Updates and perspectives from the Advance family of churches, including posts by individuals in our teams and churches, as well as updates from our gatherings and activities.
Supporting growth in Cheltenham
How can you get involved in supporting the encouraging growth in our church plant in Cheltenham?
We planted, but God makes it grow!
News on plans to support and reinvigorate Abingdon Community Church, as it faces a transition of leadership.
Two apostolic teams
In June 2024, we announced the formation of two new apostolic teams, as part of the changes we’re making following the June 2023 apostolic review. Read all about it!
Wind and wells
A profound encounter with the Lord led Geoff, one of our founding leaders, to write about catching afresh ‘the wind of the Spirit’ and redigging afresh ‘the wells of the Spirit’.
Let’s get building!
Advance team leader Rich reflects on our current moment as a family of churches, with a blog based on his closing session at the recent Thrive conference.
Thriving churches Kingdom people
Resources, recordings and testimonies from Thrive 2024 - transformative for invididuals and significant for our family of churches.
Seeing all our churches thrive!
A new team for a new season in the life of the Salt & Light Advance family of churches
Time for Newbury
Time for Newbury? A prophetic word given at our 2023 conference ‘Multiply’ has led us to start exploratory prayer meetings in this Berkshire town.
A new day, a new start, a new space
A fresh start after the pandemic for Lifehouse (Bicester and Banbury)